Ridinkulous Annual Expenses: 2018

Happy 2019, Ridinkuloids! I hope you just wrapped up a prosperous 2018 and are set to blast off into 2019 being more frugal than ever before. We spent our New Years Day cleaning up a newly vacant apartment so that it can be rented again.

Our expenses for the past year ended up looking much better than I was anticipating. As you might remember from years’ past, we’ve ended up just under $3,000 per month in non-debt spending on average for each of the past three years. But this year it felt like spending was out of control sometimes. With trips to two expensive locations (Turks & Caicos and Norway), and Marge having to drive to work instead of walk, I was sure that this was the year we’d blow the average. In reality, we still came out near the “norm.”

Total Expenses: $45,087
Avg Per Month: $3,757

Without Debt PaymentsTotal Expenses: $36,752

Avg Per Month: $3,063

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